Camera-Ready InstructionsCOPYRIGHT FORMS AND PRODUCTION FILES Corresponding author of each accepted paper is required to submit a copyright form. Please fill and sign the copyright form and replace “##” in the copyright file name with your paper ID.
For production of proceedings with Springer, we need all source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps files, or Word or rtf files) and the final pdf of the paper. For LaTeX papers, references are to be supplied as Bbl files to avoid omission of data while conversion from Bib to Bbl. The source files ( word or Latex), and the compiled file ( pdf), along with the filled and signed copyright form, must be zipped in a single file and sent to : ispr2023@easychair.org Rename the zip file to match your paper ID and keep the subject of email as “ISPR'2023:PID##”; where “##” replaces your paper ID. We are working hard to make the proceedings available online for the authors As soon As Possible. Authors are therefore requested to submit the source files and the copyright forms latest by the 15th April 2023. Camera Ready Submission Correspoding authors of accepted papers should submit their papers including the updates requered by the reviewers, using your EasyChair author role for ISPR'2023. Papers should be written in English and formatted according to the Springer LNCS one-column page in LNCS format. - Full papers must have a length of 12-15 pages. - Short Papers must have a length of 6-11 pages. - Authors names, emails, and affiliations must be included in the final version of the papers |
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